Thursday, November 1, 2012

This day in Calgary

Let’s start on a humorous note shall we?
I often refer to my cat as Little Buddy. He’s my little buddy that loves me unconditionally, purrs my heart each night and keeps me company by day. Also, I love cheese.

So today when I saw a sign advertising a burger called Little Buddy with Cheese, it just kind of stuck. 

Now Jack is my Little Buddy with Cheese because the only thing that could make Jack more loveable would be if kissing his little head left the taste of Havarti on my lips.


This week I’m learning a lesson. I can’t see what that lesson is yet, but judging by the shit it’s disturbing for me, it must be a doosie… Okay, I’ve never spelled doosie before.
Anyway, at this point even my observer is confused.

Interestingly, the very challenge I’m struggling with I’m trained to and have facilitated other people working through. 

So I find it interesting that I am not blind to the situation, but also not immune to its affect while immersed in chaos. 

I’ve heard it said that attitude is everything and I will vouch for the fact that knowing I am embroiled in situation that is fairly common in our society helps. Having some professional training in how to deal with it is good too, but mostly the maturity and personal clarity I’ve gained over the past year or so is hugely beneficial.
To have the ability to know, beyond doubt, that this too shall pass enables me to persevere. Remembering that things of value take work, time and patience allows me to breathe. Practicing an almost impossible chant focuses my mind away from the stress inducing BS currently in my vicinity and pounding my drum vibrates my soul into a still pool.
Thank you Universe for providing me with the tools to thrive through difficult circumstances and maybe move from Good to Great (a book I’m reading that you would probably enjoy).