Thursday, October 29, 2015

Getting my Ducts in a Row

Holy Jumpin' Jiminy Gee-hoe-saphat!
Maglockland Puick!
Sheep Shit and Bulls Balls

People, clean your ducts and change your furnace filters. No wonder I was sick. And so were my visitors. Talk about, "Welcome to my nightmare." 

See this?
This is a furnace vent clogged with dust...
sure... let's call it dust.

  This is what it looks like now that Brad from Lethbridge Duct Cleaning took care of that.

He went through all the ducts and cold air returns. He explained to me that most of what came out of the works went into the large vacuum attached to the furnace.


But he showed me this small ball of dust etc that landed on the plates. Don't make me explain that. Just accept that this is the tip of the iceberg removed from my duct work today. Shown here for illustration of the kinds of... of... stuff(?) hiding in the duct work.
Brad did mention that the previous owners (you mean someone in the past 100 years?) must have had a cat because he could have reconstructed one with the contents of the big vacuum.

Then he opened up the furnace to inspect, clean and repair it if necessary. I spent $17 on a thermocouple and $20 on filter cloth (I'll get to that). Here is what my motor looked like when Brad first removed the door.

 Those grey lumps at the front are dust clumps from the pipes that came out during cleaning. He shined that motor up and made sure the antique furnace won't quit on me due to lack of maintenance.
Antique you say?

In case you don't know this, all forced air furnaces have filters you're supposed to change regularly especially in winter when they are running. Modern (as in post war) (okay, I'm exaggerating) furnaces have these easy-peasy cardboard and fiberglass filters that you pull out with one hand and slide in a new one.

Not this puppy.

I didn't take a photo, but this furnace has a basket filter. Let me explain. There is a piece of wire fencing material (or something like) with made to order clasping bars that come apart.
You take the clasping bars apart, cut a piece of fiberglass cloth to size and put the whole thing back together.
The cloth we removed from that basket was twice the thickness it started out as and black. You could see where it had been white.
I changed the cloth myself and was mighty proud 'til Brad tsk, tsked me and told me I failed miserably. Such a sweetie that Brad. But, he had a point; I put the cloth on the wrong side of the fence so to speak. I'm very glad he stuck around long enough to make sure I got that right.

I can't tell you how great it feels to know that all that crap is out of my house. I suspect my indoor air quality just went up a billion fold. AND I opened a kitchen cupboard this afternoon when I got home from work and felt a warm breeze on my hand! This had not happened before and I open that cupboard 10 times a day. You would think that at some point in the past month, I would have felt that warm breeze coming from the floor vent.
not quite done, but looking good

The icing on the cake to this day is...
I also got a new front door!

Then I went into work and got a pumpkin from the garden. This was a banner day AND I got to sleep in. Sigh, it's been a great day and I give thanks to all the people who made that happen.
Thank you Brad.
Thank you Stephen & Sharol
Thank you Jamie

Thank you, Thank you,
Thank you.

My life is blessed.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Quiet House

TS Elliot
I had to let them go.

I feel like I need a do over. 

It was all too much - too soon.
New city; new house; new job; new solitude; new everything. 

Somehow it all triggered a massive inflammation reaction that began to spiral out of control and life became very challenging. 

The cats knew. It made Torts and Todd jittery. The kittens are still too young to be anything but goofy, so they carried on growing, learning to climb, jump, wrassel and scarf large quantities of food.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Some were more cooperative
than others

We took portraits while Kristi, Kaylin and Peyton were here. Whom, by the way, saved me through this. Kaylin in particular loved up those kittens. Although, Peyton, Kristi and Marty were almost, but ever so slightly less, in love with all of them.
They went to a new foster home tonight - the whole pack of them. I believe they will be fine.
I miss them, but I also feel as though I'm coming out of a fog and there is light ahead. 
J K Rowling - Ollie

Thanks for following along those of you that did. This blog will probably turn back into my thoughts around a new life in Lethbridge and what that looks like from inside my head. 
Agatha Christie
Christifur Clawumbus

Louisa May Alcott - Callie
I write about my life. I began when I was about 10 and still have writings that go back to about 20 years old - after the fire that took everything I owned when I was 20.
So, I will write. Please come read.

T&T - BFFs

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Kitten Food is Popular

Tuesday, I introduced the kittens to wet food. 
Peaking out from under
the scratching ramp

Torts and Todd LOVE it! The kittens also seem to enjoy it when they get the chance. They are learning to use a litter box. We've even had some success with that.
They are getting mighty frisky and it's endlessly amusing to watch them learn to run, jump and climb. Although...

Watch me kids! I'm outta here.

I can see the kitten barrier is good for about another 2 or 3 days and then we're done for as far as containment goes.
The kittens are about to take over the sun room. 

I'm just not comfortable with them having the run of the house. It may be a small house, but they're smaller. 

If I've learned anything from former cats it is that cats go wherever they please. Also, I don't want to risk them getting through the trap door to the basement if I have to do laundry.

One orange guy seems to love me. He comes bouncing to me
whenever I go into the kitten room and climbs my leg if I don't pick him up. 
Today, he even braved the vacuum to be near me!

Meanwhile, the two tortoise shells and the other orange guy hid behind the box and were actually shaking with fear. 

I thought introducing them to the sound of a vacuum might be helpful, but maybe that's what cats are really afraid of because I've never found them to be afraid of water.

The poor little black one took refuge at the top of the scratch ramp where he found himself stranded and alone.

I put all the fraidy cats in the box so I could finish vacuuming with my brave boy hanging from my pant leg.

my brave boy

What is that thing she keeps pointing at us?
OW! My eyes!

Torts and Todd are snuggling lots now that she takes time away from the kittens. They sit and rub heads and groom or drape themselves over each other. 

As for me, I'm struggling with a major rash outbreak for the past week or so. As much as I'm enjoying the kittens, I may not last much longer.
I don't think they are the source of my problem, but I also don't think it's helping to have 7 cats in the house. 
The boys, of course.

I'm not ready to give up on them yet, but I had to put that out there for the folks who want to follow this through. 
I moved to Lethbridge to start a new chapter in my life. I have priorities to make that work and this is making me feel like I'm allergic to Lethbridge. I'm going to have the duct work cleaned in this house and I'm in the market for some natural fibre clothing if anyone has any tips for that. I'm in a full blown reaction and it's making life less than charming.
Wish me luck because my house is about to be crawling with kittens!
The girls scheming, of course.
"I'm telling you Mable there's a way out and
I'm going to find it!"

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Kittens Getting Stronger Every Day

Kristi filmed this while I cooked or something. Oh ya, making breakfast this morning.
The kittens are getting stronger and more adventurous each day and are seriously going to miss this family when they have to leave. Come Tuesday, they are going to wonder where all the loving went.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Photo Update - Kitten Room

Tonight before the weekend company arrived, I made the kitten room ready. For the past couple of days I've worried that the kittens were going to get out of the box. This would not have been good as they were on top of that trunk. Didn't seem safe.
And as I was working in there, the little black guy climbed up the blanket and peaked over the edge of the box; which was thankfully already on the floor.
Once I had it all set up, I left them alone to get everyone accustomed to this new configuration. Besides, it was still sleepy time for the kittens, so they were boring.

Here is what I saw next! Todd trying to coax Torts out of the enclosure. When she wouldn't jump, he tried to undo the ties holding the barrier in place. He can't they're wire.
Todd trying to convince Torts
to leap the fence.

Finally, because I can see from my office chair, the kittens started to stir.
I went to see what they would do. Here is the 1st off the box winner.
Yeah! Little grey tortoise shell. First on the floor.

And next out, is little darkie.
So, company for the weekend. The cats are already loving all the extra attention.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Let's Talk Todd

Yes, the kittens get cuter by the day. I promise tomorrow or Wednesday I'll get photos and maybe more video.
Tonight, Shirley came over and gave Todd a needle! He was not impressed. However, we managed to lull him with head scratches long enough to git 'er done.
Then we had tea and spent some time with the kittens.

As you can see, Todd is making himself quite at home now. He is definitely warming up to me too. He spent some time weaving himself in and out through my legs while Shirley and I stood talking over the kittens.

Todd is a strange combination of cat. He has some very soft long fur mixed with some very wirey black fur.
And the guesstimate is he could be under 1 year old but look at those paws! I've heard dogs grow into their paws. Is that the same for cats? Because, although this photo has some perspective going on making his paws look large, the fact is they ARE large.

He also has a narrow face that gives his eyes an unusual look. He looks pretty serious until you bring out the toys.
Anyway, here's to Todd tonight who took that poke pretty well and, according to Shirley, is now all vaccinated, fixed and good to go for years to come.
Thanks for taking it like a trooper, Todd.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

60 Seconds Cuteness

I looked back and these kittens came on Sept 15; which by the way is my mother's birthday. She would have liked that. That makes them 16 days old today. They are getting stronger by the day.