Saturday, October 17, 2015

Kitten Food is Popular

Tuesday, I introduced the kittens to wet food. 
Peaking out from under
the scratching ramp

Torts and Todd LOVE it! The kittens also seem to enjoy it when they get the chance. They are learning to use a litter box. We've even had some success with that.
They are getting mighty frisky and it's endlessly amusing to watch them learn to run, jump and climb. Although...

Watch me kids! I'm outta here.

I can see the kitten barrier is good for about another 2 or 3 days and then we're done for as far as containment goes.
The kittens are about to take over the sun room. 

I'm just not comfortable with them having the run of the house. It may be a small house, but they're smaller. 

If I've learned anything from former cats it is that cats go wherever they please. Also, I don't want to risk them getting through the trap door to the basement if I have to do laundry.

One orange guy seems to love me. He comes bouncing to me
whenever I go into the kitten room and climbs my leg if I don't pick him up. 
Today, he even braved the vacuum to be near me!

Meanwhile, the two tortoise shells and the other orange guy hid behind the box and were actually shaking with fear. 

I thought introducing them to the sound of a vacuum might be helpful, but maybe that's what cats are really afraid of because I've never found them to be afraid of water.

The poor little black one took refuge at the top of the scratch ramp where he found himself stranded and alone.

I put all the fraidy cats in the box so I could finish vacuuming with my brave boy hanging from my pant leg.

my brave boy

What is that thing she keeps pointing at us?
OW! My eyes!

Torts and Todd are snuggling lots now that she takes time away from the kittens. They sit and rub heads and groom or drape themselves over each other. 

As for me, I'm struggling with a major rash outbreak for the past week or so. As much as I'm enjoying the kittens, I may not last much longer.
I don't think they are the source of my problem, but I also don't think it's helping to have 7 cats in the house. 
The boys, of course.

I'm not ready to give up on them yet, but I had to put that out there for the folks who want to follow this through. 
I moved to Lethbridge to start a new chapter in my life. I have priorities to make that work and this is making me feel like I'm allergic to Lethbridge. I'm going to have the duct work cleaned in this house and I'm in the market for some natural fibre clothing if anyone has any tips for that. I'm in a full blown reaction and it's making life less than charming.
Wish me luck because my house is about to be crawling with kittens!
The girls scheming, of course.
"I'm telling you Mable there's a way out and
I'm going to find it!"

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