Sunday, April 7, 2013

Thoughts Around Energy

“It’s not that people who have opinions or ideas worth sharing are rare. It is that people who can express themselves confidently and articulately in writing and in speech are rare.”
 C. Lacombe

It’s just possible; I may be stretching myself a little. Here’s where I currently devote time.

I am Farming Smarter’s half-time Communication Director. I am working with Alberta Low Impact Development Partnership as a storyteller and administrative assistant. This is what I’m doing for money.
For professional development, I’ve mandated myself an aggressive track in Toastmasters and remained a member of Bow River Basin Council’s Stakeholder Engagement Committee.
For personal enjoyment, I’ve joined a drum circle and volunteered with TEDxCalgary.
For spiritual development, I signed up for a two-year exploration of personal power through an acknowledged master guide.
These are the things I’ve added to my life on top of the ever-present background of living and loving friends and family. Oh right, and myself… loving myself, honouring my body that I complain about so much but that still carries me through life with far less problems than many other people experience.
Years ago now, I had someone tell me that I have hermit tendencies while also being an extrovert. That sounds contradictory, but I find that the quiet time for reflection facilitates having something to offer when you interact.
I find interaction with people both exhilarating and exhausting. Consider these things people have put forward as facts.
Communication between people is over 90% non-verbal.
Humans have an energy envelope around them (aura).
Artificial light does not provide a full color spectrum of light and this affects the human body in various ways.
Now imagine yourself in a crowded room under fluorescent lights – sounds like WalMart actually. Anyway, that would mean over-lapping energy fields, large volumes of non-verbal communication coming at you while your mind and body try to function with key energy spectrum components missing. Sounds exhausting to me and it’s how I feel after going to WalMart – over stimulated and under nourished.

Conversely, if I go for a walk in nature or even to a large public event, I usually feel energized and content.
I’ve been thinking about energy for a few reasons lately along with my usual contemplations around ways our society structures itself and what that means for humans trying to function within it.
We are a long way from living naturally in our urban and our business society. We are disconnected in so many ways from nature and human nature that I question the construct's ability to foster natural human wellness and happiness.

I believe questioning whether we are creating an optimum environment for humans to realize wellness and happiness to be a worthwhile endeavor because that is the goal of most people - to be well and happy. What if the society we’ve constructed is what holds us back?
I would argue that much of what we have in place today for education, vocation and living places actually stunts humanity and drives us insane. Why are we colluding with this state of being?
Why am I? Why are you?

Reasons I'm thinking about energy 

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