Tuesday, January 3, 2012

One For My Aggie Writing Friends

This sure looks like a high through-put grain elevator and it’s located on the edge of downtown Merida. If you Google Map Merida, Mexico, you find a rectangle in the center of the city (called Centro – go figure) bordered by Calle 60 on one side and Calle 50 on the other. At the corner of Calle 50 and Calle 43, just northeast of Centro is this grain elevator.

Across the street on Calle 43 is this building.

Bimbo is one of Mexico’s largest commercial bakeries. Someone had their head on straight the day they located whichever of these came second eh?

And while we’re on the topic… Ha, Ha, Bimbo bread. LOL, LOL, LOL I just love the name of this company. Lee Hart should get a kick out of that one eh Lee?

There are Bimbo trucks all over the city. Makes me giggle every time I see one. If I spoke enough Spanish I might contact them and suggest they hire a bunch of blondes to drive the trucks.

Calm down now, it’s just a little fun we’re having here – right Janet? This is one of the things that make travelling fun. Who knows what Spanish speaking folk think of the word Vachon.

1 comment:

  1. FINALLY catching up on your blogs, Claudette. Loving the posts and the pics. And I don't take offense at the 'blonde bimbo' moniker, 'cause in my case it just ain't true! HA! Have a great weekend!


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