Thursday, May 24, 2012

Elephant in the Room

Silver Ganesh in Chaing Mai
While in Asia, I became mildly obsessed with the need to own a Ganesh statue to bring home. We left most of our shopping to our last 3 days in Bangkok; which in hindsight was not enough time. I despaired at the end that I hadn't found the Ganesh that spoke to me, but resigned myself to the fact that it was one item not coming home with me.

Our flight home began in the wee early morning, so the night before we spent packing our purchases until after midnight. With 3 of us, we packed for getting things home in one piece front of mind rather than who's stuff went in which bag.

While going through every pocket of my pack to see what I had, I found a very small brass Ganesh that I forgot I'd bought at a temple in Cambodia for $1 from a woman who looked like she needed the $1 way more than I did.

Wondola, wondola, wondola… (you have to have been there to understand what this means).

Terrace of the Elephants
Angkor Watt, Siem Reap, Cambodia
I read recently that “(Ganesh) is the Lord of success and destroyer of evils and obstacles. He is also the god of education, knowledge, wisdom and wealth,” according to
Perfect God for someone looking for work.

This morning, I went to the EnchantedForest website to choose an animal spirit to help me with my job search.

I did a similar thing last year around the subject of self-love and the forest gave me Squirrel. At the time, I thought WTF? Squirrel?
Over time though I came to understand just how perfect Squirrel was for me as a learning tool for self-love.
Today, the Enchanted Forest gave me Elephant to help with my job search. It told me, "You are a tower of strength. Your heart is full of courage and you know that you can do and be anything you care to. After all, you are the elephant."
Wall post with elephants, Chaing Mai
It goes on, but you get the picture.
Maybe because I was raised without formal religion I see no harm in taking strength from Ganesh and the Enchanted Forest website in equal parts to lift me up and set me on my way with a spring in my step. Who is to say which of these elephants will lend me the strength I need to find the work I want for now.

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