Saturday, May 5, 2012

Two Things

Two things: environment matters and a comfortable mold will lurk for a while even after you think you’ve broken free.
Recently, I allowed myself to slip back into my comfortable mold of The Mother.
The person responsible for the efficient, socially respectable and tidy management of a home and family.

Dictator Mom at your service!
That’s the old role where I can’t afford to be warm and fuzzy because I’m too busy making sure the structure doesn’t crumble around us and allow the worst to happen.
It’s an attitude where you are convinced that life is a slippery slope and it is only by clenching that you can maintain order and survive.
I had returned to clenched. Actually, until today I hadn’t realized just how clenched I can get. I must have spent years like that in my old life!

Only when I changed environments did I see the truth of what I was doing. For me, my immediate environment has the capacity to affect my mindset. I need empty space around me.
Years ago, I read that Sagittarians need space around them so much that when they sit down at a table set for dinner, they will immediately push away the utensils, dishes etc. to make a space in front of them. I do that and, yes, I am Sagittarian.

I like empty spaces in my home, in my neighborhood and in my view.  No wonder I liked my Little House on the Prairie; it had views all the way to the sunrise.

Right now, I’m in a place of space and quiet. I can hear my spirit here. Today, I heard it tell me to chose faith and a spirit of adventure. Okay!!!

I spent a few hours today clipping branches and sawing big sticks.
I’m going to have a big, full moon fire tonight!

I may even howl!

1 comment:

  1. Sagitarrians are the workhorses in the Zodiac. Claudette, be sure you take some time to relax and refresh, and maybe soak in a nice hot tub.


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