Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Universe Gave Me a Pink Star!

I talked at length with an astrologer last night about what is in my birth chart. I had specific questions for him about what the stars and planets say I laid out for this lifetime in terms of purpose, learning and auspicious times for personal growth. I think he's a Master Healer.
(If this is a little too hee bee gee bee for you, you might want to navigate away now before I get really out there.)
He gave me some "homework" to move me toward my goals.

The first thing I got to practice today was not swearing at myself and calling myself bad names for sleeping late. I struggle with that. So today, when I saw  the clock at 10 am when I opened my eyes, I smiled and wondered if he hadn't somehow made me sleep late to test me.

Then I tried one of the things he suggested that I'm not outing myself on yet. He's says if I can master it, it will be a gift I can share with many. So I did a little experiment today in the kitchen.

Apparently I also need to relearn how to hug. This is not easy for me. So, I put it out there on FB to elicit help from my network. 

Then I went out for a walk with the girls after dinner and this too is in my best interest. It's social and it's movement. Double whammy!

He also said that I have many spirits around me waiting for opportunities to help. I forget about those invisible forces in our lives until they do something to remind me.

Such as give me a pink star for my efforts.
As I walked home the last few hundred yards alone, I saw something in the grass up ahead. Curious like a cat, I angled toward it.
As I got closer, I realized it was a helium balloon blowing on the breeze, but almost out of lift. My environmentalist kicked in and I picked up its string to take it home to the garbage can.

As I walked, it lifted off the ground and snuggled itself against my right shoulder just behind my head. By the time I got home, I realized I couldn't assign it to the garbage while it still had a lift/life in it. I tied it to the clothes rack outside my window. I is floating in gentle circles on the breeze and waving at me.

I get a pink star for my efforts today. How brilliant is that!

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