Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Viva Vivid Vistas

With that first trip under my belt, I already have some wonderful images to carry with me as I journey forward. The weather was surprisingly cooperative for November on the Pacific Coast. My ferry crossing to Victoria was a rare opportunity to experience some water moments.

The land/seascape is beautiful and serene when it’s that calm. The sun was poking out through the clouds every so often and the air was fine for a hearty Albertan. I stood on the deck for a while with eyes closed and listened to the sound of water sloshing away from the ferry hull.

When I opened my eyes, we were in a narrow passage with forested mountains creating large islands around us. The houses were, of course, right on the rocks overlooking the sea. One house must get very wet in high winds. I can’t help but wonder what it feels like to sit on a couch and watch the sea bathe the windows before you!

I took the slow bus into Victoria and saw Sannich and Sidney on the way. There were more houses on the rocks, but also fields where clearly pumpkins grew very recently. Then I arrived at my son’s house and met Lumen my first grandchild.

Now there’s a face to a make a grandma smile. I’m a little proud as a mother watching my son joyfully care for his infant daughter. From diaper changes to snuggled on his chest, Lumen seems to love her daddy. It was also great to stay with a young couple that obviously care for each other and know that, though life may not be easy, it will be together.

Back across the water in Langley, I went for a walk in Campbell River Park with my brother-in-law. It’s a rainforest, but it wasn’t raining that day. We walked through thick vegetation with huge cedar trees accenting the landscape among many kinds of shrubs. We walked over a wetland bridge where children were feeding birds and a little girl excitedly told us how they will land on your hand. She had that childhood wonder on her face that only a child can manifest.

A few steps away, Mallards were feeding in the wetland reeds. The water level must be low because the reeds were tangling them somewhat and one male briefly (just enough to be comical) struggled to upright himself with his duck feet flailing the air and his tail feathers vibrating.

Before they took me to the airport, my sister and hubby took me to a restaurant overlooking the water where a BC company has a float plane service. I guess it’s their terminal and we ate in the pub hanging over an arm of the Fraser River delta beside the airport.

We watched several 12-seater planes take off and land while the sun set over the delta. The light turned to gold on the water and red and purple in the sky.

When we took off from Vancouver airport, the darkness had descended and Vancouver was a sparkling jewel landscape below the plane. As I watched the lights, I suddenly began to see rolling black outs. Truly rolling as though I was watching… small clouds momentarily obscure the view. But for a second, I thought the Universe has arranged a light show just for me!

As we began our decent into Calgary, I started looking for the Calgary jewel sure to show up outside my window. Suddenly, there it was, but after a sharp turn the view became spectacular as a large orange moon appeared on the eastern horizon.

We live in a wonderful world full of much beauty. I’m very grateful for these experiences and for the abundant love that is so much a part of it. I’ll keep saying it… I have a wonderful support network.

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