Sunday, February 5, 2012

Calgary Interlude

The little taste of home is over. I’m sufficiently chilled, done unfinished house business, checked the financials and checked on the family members – particularly the couple who live in Germany that I want to visit in April.
I visited Jack with his foster family and found him living with the best people I can imagine. He has a buddy, love and cuddles and people who really care about him. Yes, he’s a little peeved with me, but he still purrs my heart when I visit.

I also caught a few spectacular Alberta sunsets and got in a walk along the river in the sunshine.

We have Thailand visas and passport photos for Cambodia visas. I have American dollars and Thai Baht. We have a Bangkok reservation and a few ideas about what comes next.
This round of world travel will be different. There are 3 of us this time as one of my sisters, Kathleen, joins Matt and I.  Actually, we’re the 3 youngest of my parents’ 7 children. The destination is completely different too.
I can honestly say I have no clue what to expect. I’ve never been to an Asian country. I’ve never travelled like this with Kathleen. I don’t know what any one of us might act like in whatever situations we come across.
If I have expectations they are general such as laughter, awe, beauty - both natural and manmade - some disgust and some angst. There will be surprises I’m sure.
Ready folks? Cause here we go!

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