Saturday, February 4, 2012

Notes From the Couch

One morning I sat on the couch to join my sister for morning tea/coffee. She asked me to go over some questions with her from José Luis Stevens’ Personessence System for Understanding People – The Seven Archetypal Roles: Primary Way of Being. Go to his website for more information about that.
 It was 9 am, so I figured I had a little time in spite of a rather long To Do list for the day. A short time later, she thanked me and said, “The questions are all here if you want to try this.” Well, who can resist a personality test? Not meee!

Jack and I
Around 1 pm,  still reading and writing notes, I recognized that feeling I get when I’m making a breakthrough to understanding my Self. 
In a nutshell, I am a triple-S personality. Scholar, Sage and Server - that makes me Plato, Robin Williams and Mother Theresa bundled into one small woman.

This means I will nurture my loved ones and take care of their needs but, I will also teach them how to do it themselves. I’m more inquisitive than a Server, more fun than a Scholar, but reserved and nurturing for a Sage.
The Scholar and Sage create my never-ending curiosity and desire to study the world around me. They also war internally when it comes to drawing attention to me. Here, the Server tips the balance most often toward staying in the background. But the Sage and Scholar override the shy Server when I feel I have knowledge or wisdom to share. While I enjoy my time at home to research, explore, think and ruminate, once I have a solid understanding of something I want to go public with it whatever way I can.
Triple-S also explains why I like to find unique articles of clothing to wear when I’m out and about (sage), but my home style is really dressed down (server) and I often put on what I wore yesterday and the day before… (scholar).
I like to use humor and wit (Sage), but I like my insights to be based on solid facts (Scholar). The Scholar also keeps my wit or outrageous comments quiet when they might draw attention to me. This is why my Sage appears from behind the Scholar or Server bringing you coffee and zings the conversation with some astute observation or twisted connection between facts.
The Scholar and Server shut down the Sage all together in conflict situations. Even though I may have information or wisdom that could help resolve the conflict, I have trouble stepping into the fray to share.
My penchant for hosting is the Server that wants to ensure the comfort of people, but my Sage also wants them to have fun and my Scholar wants them to learn a Take Away.

Bow River, Calgary, AB

I can see how the Sage, Server, Scholar (oh alliteration! Another fav of mine) combination also helps me deal with life’s less pleasant chores with resolve and humor and acknowledgment of the always present silver lining of a learning opportunity.
The Server personality means I’m willing to work long and hard for nothing; adds in arrogance regarding right action for myself and others and provides my need to nurture.
I also know the Sage and Server were very happy in the restaurant business, but the Scholar was languishing.  I can see how the triple-S personality worked for Umbel Communications.
There were many other insights for me in this exercise. Now, all I have to do is integrate these 3 archetypes and bring out the Claudette that will knock socks off!

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