Monday, September 14, 2015

Torts & Todd

First, they seduced me with kittens!

I moved to Lethbridge, AB from Calgary, AB and because it’s difficult to shop for a house in a different city, I hired a realtor. We hit it off and, therefore, did at least as much talking as house shopping. It was inevitable that at some point I would mention I like cats.
Realtor Bev introduced me to Shirley of the cat rescue group in Lethbridge. She gets a lot of cats. I want a cat… one cat… two at most. 

Did you know you can foster cats? I’ve heard of fostering humans, but not cats. Long story short, tonight I took in a very, very pregnant female and her one-year-old son (maybe, hard to say, they came out of the rodeo barns).

Anyway, Torts (because she’s a tortoise shell) is feeling pretty vulnerable and, I expect, somewhat exasperated that she’s been moved several times during the last weeks of her pregnancy. (I know how I would have felt at 8.75 months pregnant if I’d had to move several times!)

Seriously, there can't be more
than 12 inches there.
As Shirley toured my house, I showed her the small space between the bathroom cabinet and the wall. I figured Torts would like that spot. But, there is Todd to consider too and they like to be together. So, we set up a spot for them under the china cabinet all comfy with beds and blankets. 

We put them under there and Todd came out almost immediately to check out the new digs. Torts stayed out of sight.
Tonight my sister and I finally had a chance to visit over Skype since we parted ways back in early August. We talked a long while.
Once I got off computer, I looked around for the cats. Todd was looking pretty comfy under the china cabinet, but I couldn’t find Torts. This is a small house and I have two rooms blocked off! 
Todd with all the blankies and fuzzies
Privacy curtain for expectant mom
Ah, ha! Of course she’s in the bathroom in that little space. 
Poor thing; no blankets, no privacy curtain; just the cold floor and a weigh scale of all things. So, I fixed her up. 

 She is sooooo pregnant. She is tiny and I’m sure mostly kittens at this point. I hope that she will feel safe here. 
You and I know her evil eye looks like
that because of the flash. Right?
Torts in a box.
For tonight, I’m not going to force myself on either of them.
I’m a big believer in letting children and animals come to me when they are ready. This is about hour three. I can wait.


  1. Hi! My name is Alison and I'm another of Shirley's foster friends. Just wanted to say thank you, thank you, thank you for taking in Torts and Todd. My heart really went out to that little pregnant tortie but couldn't have her at my place until our current home renos are finished. I am sure that we will meet soon if Shirley has anything to say about it. I am also delighted that you're blogging this. I will follow with keen interest as the kittens grow.

  2. Hi Alison,
    She's already scheming to get us together. LOL I look forward to it.


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